John Veber has been wreck diving since 1972 and into underwater photography since 1976, photographing wrecks in all the Great Lakes. He has had photographs published in books about Long Point and Lake Erie, numerous newspapers and archeological reports. Being an amateur archaeologist and a member of the Ontario Marine Heritage Committee since 1985, he has participated in numerous wreck surveys over the years which included an underwater photography project in the high arctic.
The Wreck of The Tradewind

Today the Trade Wind sits in 120′ of water, with a slight list to port. All three masts have fallen to the port side. The bowsprit has been pulled away but both anchors are still cated. Peering into the collision hole on the starboard hull, you can see the cast iron stoves sticking out of the silt. Moving aft, you can see the offset centerboard winch and main cargo hatch with a stove in it. Passing the broken mizzen mast you see the intact rear cabin with two forward entrances.
The cabin structure continues to the transom with no open back deck. The ships wheel is in a cockpit in the rear of the cabin. Viewing the Trade Wind from the stern is most impressive. She rises about 15′ off of the lake bottom with the whole rudder exposed. Looking up at the transom, her 25′ beam makes her look really big. Gliding across the deck with 60′ visibility, you get a true sense of what a majestic vessel she once was.