David Trotter is a renowned shipwreck discoverer, deep diver, author, lecturer and photographer. In over 20 years of diving, he has been the first to locate, identify and document over 60 Great Lakes shipwrecks. His shipwreck discoveries and programs have been featured on television and in newspapers throughout the U.S. and Canada. He has written several articles on Great Lakes shipwrecks that have been published in historical journals and national scuba diving publications.
Through Undersea Research Associates, founded to present the Great Lakes community with an electronically sophisticated means of underwater search and survey for archeological and commercial purposes, he presents visual underwater time capsules of marine history. Utilizing state-of-the-art side scan sonar, with outstanding skilled operators, the organization offers high resolution bottom profiling at depths to 1,000 feet, underwater site survey and underwater photographic documentation.

On August 8, 1903, the 118′ Steamship Metropole met her third and final disaster as she slide beneath the waters of Lake Huron, to become a part of Michigan Great Lakes history.
It was to be ninety-six years later a team of dedicated explorers were to discover a most unique time capsule….the intact Steamship Metropole. Her masts, wood pilot house, giant steering wheel, compass, anchors and cargo still in place. She appears ready to continue her voyage to deliver a cargo of barrel staves for a cooperage (barrel manufacturer) in Cleveland. The crew’s initials carved in the wall planks, fire hoses ready for deployment, barrel staves stacked in place, shovels hanging from hooks, and the compass functioning 96 years later transports us into a working Steamer of the 19th century.
Share the adventure with us…..it doesn’t get any better than this!
For Whom The Bell Tolls
The 157′ side wheel Steamer Detroit steamed into history on May 25, 1854 when she collided with the Barque Nucleus on a foggy, cold morning. The Nucleus, down bound, had only dealt a glancing blow to the starboard side of the Detroit. Collision damage seemed minor, with some damage to the railing in front of the starboard paddle wheel. The crew worked furiously for several hours pumping out the bilge at a rate slower than the water was coming in. Finally, word was given to abandon ship and the Steamer Detroit disappeared 200′ beneath the surface of Lake Huron. She laid at rest for 140 years before a band of merry adventurers was to discover her sitting upright with giant paddle wheels, engine and delicate steering pole in place. Share the excitement as seen through the eyes of the divers and explorers as we swim with events and history that occurred six years before the American Civil War.