Steve Blasco received his Honours Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Engineering Geophysics from Queen s University, Kingston, Ontario and for the past 18 years has been employed as a marine engineering geophysicist with the Geological Survey of Canada, at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
His research focuses on marine environmental and engineering geology studies. Seafloor and lakebed geological investigations are related to offshore oil and gas exploration in the Canadian Arctic and environmental problems in the Arctic and Great Lakes, and has involved the use of Canadian unmanned and manned submersibles. His research has taken him to the Beaufort Sea, High Arctic, Lancaster Sound, the Caribbean, Georgian Bay and even the North Pole.
In 1987, Mr. Blasco received the distinguished merit award from the Government of Canada for leadership in conducting geological and engineering investigations in the Beaufort Sea.
The Titanic
The very mention of the name, Titanic, conjures images in every one of us, whether they be of a magnificent passenger ship, a horrific tragedy, or a breathtaking yet shattered wreck seen in images relayed from 4000 metres. Many have seen the IMAX film, Titanica, but only a handful have had first hand knowledge of the production of this film and accompanying challenges. In 1991, Steve Blasco was chief scientist on a joint Canada, United States and Russian scientific/commercial expedition to film the Titanic wreck site using state-of-the-art Russian MIR submersibles and Canadian large format IMAX filming technologies. He will be sharing with us those experiences, as well as images of that expedition.