2005-20092007 Shipwrecks

Shipwrecks 2007

Shipwrecks/2007 was held Saturday, March 31, 2007.  We had approximately 430 people in attendance.  For 2007, we had 87 door prizes (including regulators & dive charters) which are now listed on the web site along with the contributors and winners’ names. The Fort Erie Underwater Recovery Unit once again held a 50/50 draw with proceeds …

2007 Shipwrecks

Ric Mixter – Shipwrecks 2007

Ric Mixter became interested in shipwrecks when one occurred near his home.  Working as a videographer for WNEM TV5, he was assigned to cover the Jupiter  explosion in Bay City.  He was soon certified for SCUBA diving and has been sharing maritime stories with millions of viewers ever since. Today he runs his own production …

2007 Shipwrecks

David Trotter – Shipwrecks 2007

What can you say about David Trotter?  David has given more presentations than any other speaker at our annual Shipwrecks Symposium.  He just keeps discovering shipwrecks and as long as he does, we’ll keep inviting him back! David Trotter is a renowned shipwreck discoverer, deep diver, author, lecturer and photographer.  In over 20 years of …

2007 Shipwrecks

Tom Wilson – Shipwrecks 2007

By his own admission Tom Wilson dives essentially for one reason: to capture photographs. You may have seen the fruits of his efforts in the magazines such as Diver, Advanced Diver, Scuba Press, Immersed, Ottawa Outdoors, and even the Toronto Star, all concentrating on the amazing wrecks of the Great Lakes which he firmly believes …