Cris Kohl and Joan Forsberg are a husband-and-wife team who are among the most prolific Maritime Historians in Ontario and the Great Lakes. The authors of 16 books and more than 300 magazine/newsletter articles, they have also produced 16 documentary programs on Great Lakes Maritime History, as well as several Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Lighthouses maps and postcards. Cris is a prize-winning underwater photographer with a Master of Arts degree in History, while Joan, who also has a university degree in History, is currently in her third term as Chairman of the Board of the international Women Divers Hall of Fame. Both are underwater archaeologists certified by the Nautical Archaeological Society of Great Britain. They have done more than 1,500 programs to audiences of all types and numbers over the past three decades.Cris & Joan’s web site is Seawolf Communications.

Canadians are going wild in 2017 celebrating the 150th birthday of their country. In this presentation, discover the exciting stories, all related to 1867 (the year Canada became a country), of several Canadian ships (plus a few US ships lost in Canadian waters), including the most visited shipwreck in all of the Great Lakes; the shipwreck that set the Great Lakes abuzz when it was found in 1975; a shallow water “ghost ship,” unidentified for over 120 years, finally identified in 2016; a steamship burned in 1867, but which rose from the ashes as a rebuilt vessel, only to become a major disaster in Georgian Bay five years later; and a ship, wrecked in Canada’s 50th year and found by scuba divers in Canada’s 100th year, that is one of the most tragic and amazing stories ever to come out of the Great Lakes! Plus more!