2022 ShipwrecksShipwrecks 2022 Workshops

Sidemount – Getting it Right

Jill Heinerth, the co-author of Sidemount Profiles, will offer a 3-hour interactive sidemount workshop suitable for new and experienced sidemounters. From gear configuration, to safety, Heinerth will share tips from the field so that you can perfect your trim and performance. Recognizing that many people learn to sidemount in warm water environments, Heinerth will offer special support …

2022 ShipwrecksShipwrecks 2022 Workshops

What’s Going on in Our Underwater World… Animal Behavior Workshop

Well-known videographers, Jim and Pat Stayer will share what they have observed over their 47 years of diving using video examples to help you find more sea life, interact with creatures and to understand how creatures interact with each other. Designed to help all divers enjoy the underwater world to its fullest. Photographers and videographers …