Master of Ceremonies

One of Tom’s favourite phrases is, “The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know,” from Socrates, which he finds translates perfectly into Great Lakes diving. “The more I dive the more I realize there’s more out there to discover than I ever imagined,” he said recently. Drawing on over 1,000 dives in environments from caves to ice and training from Open Water to Full Trimix, he brings a unique perspective to scuba that usually includes a few laughs along the way. 
By his own admission Tom Wilson dives essentially for one reason: to capture photographs. You may have seen the fruits of his efforts in the magazines such as Diver, Advanced Diver, Scuba Press, Immersed, Ottawa Outdoors, and even the Toronto Star, all concentrating on the amazing wrecks of the Great Lakes which he firmly believes offer the best wreck diving in the world. To compare he has traveled to such places as Roatan, Truk Lagoon, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, Florida and North Carolina, but has found they pale in comparison to the diversity and numbers we have in our own backyard. Tom is a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, and holds various certifications from IANTD, TDI, and GUE all the way up to full trimix and full cave. He enjoys teaching underwater photography, along with ice diving and nitrox courses. 

A recently minted NDA member, Tom has presented both short and primary presentations at previous “Shipwreck Symposiums” and was Master of Ceremonies last year. We are pleased to have him back again this year pulling double duty as both Master of Ceremonies and primary presenter . You may view some of Tom’s photography on his web site

“Five Levels of Diving”

Ever wondered how someone goes from being a carefree single tank diver on vacation in the warmth of the tropics to a full technical Great Lakes diver wearing what looks like the entire contents of the messy corner of their garage?

This presentation will explain the various steps along the 5 Levels Of Diving. If you are a new diver you might see what’s in store for you, or if you’re a very experienced diver you might recognize a few things from your own scuba path.

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