Ken Merryman is Past President and founding member of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society and a retired computer engineer. He is a veteran speaker at scuba shows including Gales of November and Ghost Ships and gives several shipwreck talks each year.
Ken has been an avid Lake Superior shipwreck diver for over 40 years and operated a scuba diving charter service for 40 years. Although his charter business operated mostly at Isle Royale National Park, he also frequents the Lake Superior North Shore, Apostle Islands, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron diving and searching for new shipwrecks.
This summer Ken and friends circumnavigated Lake Superior and during the trip discovered two amazingly intact shipwrecks: the Seaverns and the Antelope. The Seaverns will be part of his Lake Superior’s Best Wrecks Presentation. Ken’s web site is www.superiortrips.com
Lake Superior’s Best Wrecks
Experts estimate that there are over 8,000 shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. Of that total Lake Superior only holds around 350 of these historic treasures, but because of her cold clear deep waters and lack of Zebra mussels they are some of the best wrecks in the Great Lakes.
Through his amazing video, Ken will take you on a tour of these underwater museums as he presents “Lake Superior’s Best Wrecks.”