John Veber was certified over 40 years ago and has been actively diving shipwrecks in the Great Lakes all year round ever since. Being a shipwreck photographer since 1976, John has accumulated thousands of shipwreck images which have been published in numerous books, newspaper articles, dive videos and a calendar.
John has won a first and second place in past Slide Show Competitions and is a recipient of a Certificate of Achievement Award for Outstanding Photography Promoting Diving in Southern Ontario.
As a past member of the Ontario Heritage Committee, he has worked on shipwreck surveys, and his keen interest in maritime history goes hand in hand with shipwreck exploration. Years of U/W photography and ice diving experience led John to participate in a dive expedition in the high Arctic.
Currently, John is mentoring youth, introducing them to scuba diving and shallow water shipwreck exploration.
This will be John’s second presentation at Shipwrecks, the first being at Shipwrecks/2000.
Long Point and Its Shipwrecks

Long Point, Lake Erie is an ever shifting sand spit that reaches almost half way across the lake from the north shore. It has claimed approximately 200 shipwrecks over the years, many pounded to pieces in the surf.

Even to this day, pieces of wreckage are uncovered in the surf, only to be covered up again at the whim of water currents, wind and surf. But, Long Point also has an icy tomb where it forever guards many wrecks that met their fate from foundering, collisions and groundings. We will explore wrecks dating from the 1840’s to present, at depths from 10 to 200 ft that surround this treacherous spit of sand.