What can you say about David Trotter? David has given more presentations than any other speaker at our annual Shipwrecks Symposium. He just keeps discovering shipwrecks (three this last year) and as long as he does, we’ll keep inviting him back!David Trotter is a renowned shipwreck discoverer, deep diver, author, lecturer and photographer. In over 20 years of diving, he has been the first to locate, identify and document 70+ Great Lakes shipwrecks. His shipwreck discoveries and programs have been featured on television and in newspapers throughout the U.S. and Canada.
He has written several articles on Great Lakes shipwrecks that have been published in historical journals and national scuba diving publications.Through Undersea Research Associates, founded to present the Great Lakes community with an electronically sophisticated means of underwater search and survey for archeological and commercial purposes, he presents visual underwater time capsules of marine history.
Utilizing state-of-the-art side scan sonar, with outstanding skilled operators, the organization offers high resolution bottom profiling at depths to 1,000 feet, underwater site survey and underwater photographic documentation.
Phantoms of the Deep
This program will have four chapters on new discoveries, primarily featuring: The discovery of the 212′ A. Everett, the discovery of the mysterious “A” frame, the discovery of the biplane in Lake Huron and the discovery of the SS Michigan
Ice Water Palace – the A. Everett

The 212′ steamer A. Everett steamed into history on April 30. 1895, when she sank in deep water 20 miles above Point Aux Barques, Michigan in Lake Huron.In the first run of the year, the A. Everett, under the command of Captain Kendall, cleared Chicago on April 26, 1895 with 48,000 bushels of corn destined for Ogdensburg, New York.
It was a journey the Everett never completed. On the April 30th, 8 PM Monday evening, the Everett’s bow, cut by ice, allowed the frigid ice water to rush through a gaping hole. The damaged steamer was doomed, and an hour later she plunged to the floor of Lake Huron.The Captain and crew escaped in the yawl boat, destined for a long, cold, and perhaps deadly journey in the open boat.
Fortunately, the 213′ steamer Eber Ward, which had also cleared Chicago on the first run of the year, picked up the survivors. In an ironic twist of fate, 24 years later the Eber Ward would suffer the same fate as the A. Everett, sinking in the Straights of Mackinac with the loss of five lives.The Everett rested quietly, missing for 110 years. Share the excitement with the first explorers as they visit an “Ice Water Palace”….the 212′ steamer A. Everett sitting upright on the floor of Lake Huron.


The URA team has searched over 2,000 square miles of Lake Huron in the quest to discover and explore history’s mysteries. In May, 2005 a miniscule “target” appears 450′ to the side of the fast moving research vessel “Obsession Too”. Weeks later, the dive team leaves port before dawn, moving 30 miles out into Lake Huron. The objective is to explore this unique target.
What is found amazes all of us…..a pre-WWll military biplane made its “Final Flight”, having remained missing for 60+ years. Ralph Roberts, aviation expert, believes that we have discovered a rare Douglas O-38 biplane that was built in the early 1930’s and lost before WWll.
This adventure is still unfolding as the URA team is researching the lost plane and occupants. Stay Tuned!!
Discovery and exploration is what drives the URA Team, and mysteries continue to unfold. In deep water sitting perfectly upright is a Giant “A” frame, raising 60′ off the floor of Lake Huron.
There is no barge underneath the “A” frame, but there is a boiler, cables, large winches and giant pulleys. The “A” frame is a “one of a kind” mystery. It is a unique site and experts continue to question what it is and how it ended up upright, and waiting to be explored. This is an exploration dive none of us will forget. Share the adventure as the URA Team and experts provide tentative identification to a unique, one of a kind site.
S. S. Michigan
On Monday, February 9, 1885, the 212′ S. S. Michigan left its winter port of grand Haven, Michigan with Captain Redmond Prindeville and 29 men aboard. Caught in a Great Lakes Nor’easter, the Michigan was trapped in ice as Lake Michigan completely froze over for first time since 1874. The SS Michigan fought a 40 day battle with the ice, and eventually sunk as the ice finally crushed her hull. Several attempts were made to locate the 212′ Michigan prior to the 3 year combined effort of MSRA and URA.
On the last day of the 2005 search effort, and having covered 50 square miles in search of the missing steamer, a target was acquired late on Sunday afternoon in 275′ of cold, dark Lake Michigan water. Share the excitement of the major search effort and first dives on the SS Michigan….a great adventure!