An award-winning filmmaker, Jill wrote, produced, and appeared in Water’s Journey, the PBS documentary series that takes viewers on travels through the world’s greatest water systems. Hollywood directors call on her to produce difficult underwater scenes and international magazines and websites look to her to document extreme environments with high technology.
Jill is a reasonable voice in the world of conservation, and is often sought out for insightful opinions by the press. She is a recognized expert legal witness in matters involving SCUBA and Closed Circuit Rebreather technology.
Jill’s many diving accomplishments are highlighted by an Antarctic cave diving expedition inside the largest iceberg known to man, (National Geographic – Ice Island), and significant contributions to the United States Deep Caving Team’s Wakulla 2 project, using paradigm-changing technology to map an underwater cave system in three dimensions. At Wakulla, secondary to a scientific mission, Jill established a women’s diving world record.
Jill Heinerth holds various SCUBA, Cave Diving, and Closed Circuit Rebreather instructor credentials. An Adobe Photoshop expert, she also teaches Underwater Digital Photography workshops and classes.
A former Toronto ad agency owner, Jill takes on limited advertising clients, applying her distinct skill set to each application.
- Sport Diving Magazine: Named A Living Legend
- Women Diver’s Hall of Fame: Inaugural Inductee
- Explorer’s Club Film Festival: Best Documentary
- Canadian Tech Diver of the Year
- Cine Golden Eagle (2)
- Fellow: National Speleological Society
- International HD Film Fest: Best Documentary
A popular public speaker, Jill gives entertaining and informative multi-media presentations to groups, clubs and organizations on a wide range of subjects including exploration, motivation and actualization, conservation, risk management, and filmmaking.
Born in Canada, Jill lives with her husband Robert in North Florida, where she starts most days with a refreshing swim in the clear water of a local spring. You may find more information on Jill at her web site intotheplanet.com.
Rebreather Technology & Cave Diving

Although our show is primarily shipwrecks related, for the last several years we have added another diving topic based on the previous years after show survey. Last years results were tied for interest for both rebreather and cave diving infomation. Jill has offered to put a presentation together covering both topics

Jill Heinerth will divide her presentation into two parts: outlining today’s rebreather technology and opportunities afforded through cave diving around the world. In this lively presentation, you’ll learn about how these endeavors can enhance your capabilities as a diver and open up new realms of exploration.